French Leave Hotel

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Dive into the golden era of glamour and leisure with “French Leave Hotel,” a mesmerizing work by renowned photographer Slim Aarons. This illustrious piece captures a moment frozen in time at the French Leave Hotel in Eleuthera, The Bahamas, during the swinging sixties. Owned by actor Craig Kelly, the hotel was a sanctuary for the who’s who of the era, and Slim Aarons has immortalized it with his lens, offering you a passport to a world of timeless elegance.

Imagine transporting the essence of a sun-soaked Bahamian paradise right into your living room or study. With every glance at this Slim Aarons masterpiece, you’ll be reminded of a bygone era where jet-setters and stars mingled under the tropical sun. It’s not just a photograph; it’s an invitation to a lifestyle, a conversation starter that will add layers of sophistication and narrative to any space it adorns.

Why should this piece find a home on your wall? Because it’s more than just a print; it’s a slice of history, a cultural artifact that whispers stories of glamour, leisure, and the art of good living. Slim Aarons had a knack for capturing the zeitgeist of the era, making each photograph a visual anthology that never ceases to fascinate.

Let “French Leave Hotel” be the jewel that crowns your interior décor. A visual feast that inspires and intrigues, it embodies the very best of Slim Aarons’ ability to capture beauty and elegance in a frame. Don’t miss the chance to own a moment, to live a dream, and to be a part of a world where every day is a soiree.

Prints are listed in cm and inches - what will be the size of my print?
We produce prints in both metric (centimetres) and imperial (inches) sizes.
The sizing system being used depends on the product type and the country in which your order is being sent to.
In most cases there are only a few millimetres difference between the metric and imperial conversions.

How does the border affect the size of the print?
The total size of the print will always be the size that you select.
The border if chosen is internal and slightly reduces the image area.

Which paper do you recommend?
Generally Photo Lustre (Semi Gloss) is recommended for most purposes as it is the middle ground between Matte & Gloss. So the colours will still be vibrant, with a lot less glare.

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