Dance Class

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Step back in time with “Dance Class,” a photographic journey captured by the illustrious Slim Aarons. This captivating artwork transports you to the River Club in New York City, 1958, where a young boy and girl are engrossed in the elegance of ballroom dancing under the guidance of Mrs. William De Rham. Each glance at the poster is a ticket to a bygone era, a world where grace and poise were not just skills but a way of life.

In the hands of Slim Aarons, this snapshot isn’t just a photograph; it’s a narrative woven in pixels and emotions. As you welcome this work into your home, you’re not just hanging a picture on the wall; you’re embedding a tale that sparks conversations and evokes a sense of nostalgia. Just imagine the depth it will add to your living space, serving as a cornerstone around which new memories can be made and old ones cherished.

You needn’t be an aficionado of photography or dance to appreciate the subtle grandeur that this piece holds. Slim Aarons has an innate ability to make every moment he captures feel both intimate and expansive, resonating with people from all walks of life. Whether you position it above your mantle, in your study, or as a centerpiece in your dining room, “Dance Class” will effortlessly blend into your home, enriching its aesthetic fabric.

Why should you make this piece a part of your collection? Beyond its visual splendor, the artwork embodies the essence of cultural preservation. By owning “Dance Class,” you celebrate Slim Aarons’ legacy and contribute to keeping the spirit of a bygone era alive. It’s not merely a piece of art; it’s a slice of history, a conversation starter, and a tribute to the timelessness of genuine talent.

Prints are listed in cm and inches - what will be the size of my print?
We produce prints in both metric (centimetres) and imperial (inches) sizes.
The sizing system being used depends on the product type and the country in which your order is being sent to.
In most cases there are only a few millimetres difference between the metric and imperial conversions.

How does the border affect the size of the print?
The total size of the print will always be the size that you select.
The border if chosen is internal and slightly reduces the image area.

Which paper do you recommend?
Generally Photo Lustre (Semi Gloss) is recommended for most purposes as it is the middle ground between Matte & Gloss. So the colours will still be vibrant, with a lot less glare.

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